Classic American Lager beer with a light flavorful finish.
Leonardville Road cuts right thru the heart of Northern Middletown Twp. from historic Middletown thru New Monmouth, Belford’s Campbell’s Junction, Leonardo and ending in Atlantic Highlands. A main road that is the host to several churches, schools, shopping areas and historic houses and sights. The beer is in honor of a great sample of American life here in New Jersey, USA.
25.36 oz
The subdued sharpness and tang of mild cheddar and lighter cheeses like Gouda or mozzarella balance the malty flavors found in this beer style. The American Lager has a crisp, clean taste that cuts through fatty and fried foods. And the beer’s malty sweetness? It perfectly contrasts salty cured meats, yet complements meats that are lightly browned and grilled.